Moving away from a legacy system using Scala and Kafka - Part 1
The challenges of migrating our media assets management system
My team at Canal+ is building a new media asset management (MAM) platform. To put it simply, Mediahub, our platform, stores video files and information regarding these files:
Technical information (how many audio channels does this video have? what’s the video’s resolution?) Editorial information (is it a movie? A show? A TV series episode? Who is speaking in the sequence? What about?) Legal information (when can we air this content?
Functional error handling with monads, monad transformers and Cats MTL
The way we deal with failure in most OOP applications is itself a common source of unexpected behaviors. I believe exceptions and try/catch statements are overused. Most of the time, it isn’t obvious what a method might throw and when. Edge cases should be treated with the same amount of caution, if not more, than the rest of the code, yet they are rendered invisible by error-handling mechanisms that hide failures instead of highlighting them.